Skip the scroll and get some inspirational tips by Holly Spillane from Elka Swim
Have you ever sat at your desk and lacked the motivation you needed to start the day off with a bang!? I think a lot of us have been there, yep, I know I have. I know we all might be guilty of picking up our phone and having a quick scroll through Instagram desperately trying to find that inspiration to help motivate us for the day (or so that’s what we tell ourselves anyway). Then all of a sudden half-an-hour has passed and we are no better than we were when we started. Actually, I think it puts us in a worse state than before – it certainly doesn’t make me more motivated or inspired to get through my daily to-do list that’s for sure. This is a daily addiction for so many of us and an addiction we need to kick, quick smart! But where can we get that daily inspiration to help carry our motivation through the day that doesn’t involve picking up our phones for a scroll?
There is inspiration everywhere, you just need to know where to look -and no, it isn’t on Instagram, Pinterest, Tick Tok or Facebook. The two places I have been drawing inspiration from are my desk & my surroundings. It was hard to kick my online scroll addiction but I did it & my daily motivation has never been better. It made sense for me to draw inspiration from both of these things because, well, I sit at my desk for hours on end and I am in my surroundings for just as long. So, what do I have on my desk & in my surroundings that inspires and motivates me?
Desk Inspiration

Firstly, let me just tell you, I am a tidy person & I love things to be in order. Yep, everything has a place. So, without fail, I think it’s important to make sure both your desk & surrounding are neat & tidy. I am also a big believer when it comes to manifestation which of course means I have a vision board on my desk as well as a digital copy as the screensaver of my computer. This would have to be my biggest motivator. No matter where I look, I can’t escape my future goals & dreams, they are literally staring me in the face. All. Day. Long. I also make sure I write in my journal about my daily goals & intentions and I have that open next to me too, that way no matter where I look, I am surrounded by the goals I have set & goals I need to meet.
Surrounding Inspiration

Since I work from home, I am lucky that I can control my surroundings (this hasn’t always been the case for me though). Two things I added to my surroundings are music & indoor plants. Every morning on my way to work (on the bottom floor of our house), I make sure I put my favourite radio station on. Music is great for the mind, body & soul and listening to your favourite music while you work surely has to be good for you, right!? Not only that, it puts me in a good mood. Indoor plants have also been a great addition to my surroundings. They give me a sense of being outside which has a very calming feeling. They also brighten up that space and make me feel happy. It’s also known that plants actually help you gain new inspiration and creativity.
So, skip the daily scroll and opt for things in your environment that not only inspire you to be motivated but also make you feel calm, at ease & happy.
If you love the idea of being surrounded by inspiring things then shop our Elka Swim collections. Each collection is inspired by our love of music, the environment & the women who wear them.
Did you enjoy today's blog post written by Elka Swim? You can follow and support her on Instagram @elka_swim_ and her website.