How to stay productive while social distancing at home
In just the last week, most of us have gone through a significant shift in how we work, live and play. We’ve gone from seeing our friends at restaurants, visiting our families, and vacationing the world over to spending virtually all our time at home. Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, many offices have significantly shifted their operations to allow more people to work from home. But how do you stay productive with so many stressful changes in the air?
Carve out an office space…
...even if you don’t have room for one. Your place may be too small for a dedicated home office, but a spot with seating, a table, and adequate lighting will do the job for now. Set up some basic supplies, like pens, notebooks and binder clips, and keep them organized. These clear acrylic desk organizers are the perfect solution for your workspace. Their transparent design makes it easy to see what’s inside, and perfect for any office setup. They’re also great for keeping what you need in one place, so you can maintain some semblance of order while everything else is in flux.
Catch up
entrepreneurs have a to-do list that’s a mile long—and put yourself in a position for success once things pick up again.
Dial it down
The monumental shift in our lifestyles is undoubtedly making us all feel a bit off-balance. So be kind to yourself and realize that there might be a lengthy adjustment period. Maintain as much normalcy as you can while understanding that there is nothing ordinary about what’s going on. Stay focused and do what’s necessary, but if you’re not feeling up to pushing yourself or striving for those stretch goals, that’s OK. Take the time you need to recalibrate yourself and re-evaluate where you’re going with your business. Consider taking courses for your personal development or reaching out to expand your network—little things that won’t have an immediate impact on your bottom line, but will keep you moving forward in a manageable way.

It’s hard to find your new normal during this time of uncertainty, and it will undoubtedly cause some anxiety and stress. Even though you may be in isolation, it might help to remember that you’re definitely not alone in how you’re feeling. Connect—virtually—with good friends and family members to keep your spirits lifted. This too shall pass!
As you may know, we share a lot of tips on productivity, motivation, creating an inspiring workspace, go check out Minima Blogs, we post twice a month!